SCULPTURAL WORK / click on images > > flat works on the wall, sculptures down the center pt.1 Group Exhibition 2023

Group Exhibition 2023
I exhibited two new works in this group show.

Title "Creature of prometheus", 2023, carved plaster, paint, approx height 46" width 10"
depth 8"

Roughly replacing the two statues that come to life in Beethoven's only ballet - look it up -------------'

My take has Prometheus returning yet again to find mankind in a sad state and so commissions me to create a new work to put right Beethovens failure.

In the creation of this sculpture I considered the monstrous and grotesque etching into the skin of this ubiquitous idealized plaster bust of the Maestro.

second sculpture

Title - "Midnight Cowboy, 2023", hand carved butchers block, pine, stain, linseed oil, approx height 38" width 16" length 22"

Midnight Cowboy references the 1969 American drama film, based on the 1965 novel of the same name by James Leo Herlihy. The film was written by Waldo Salt, directed by John Schlesinger. Dealing with societal issues which thanks to Mina loy I have come to understand as the compensations of poverty